Why Hiring A Disability Discrimination Attorney Is Essential For Winning Your Case

Disability Discrimination Attorney

In workplaces across America, individuals with disabilities face an unfortunate reality: discrimination, harassment, and unequal treatment. Despite the progress made in disability rights legislation, the fight for equality and fair treatment is far from over. It’s a sobering truth that many individuals continue to endure mistreatment solely because of their disability status. Despite the legal protections afforded by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), countless individuals continue to face barriers to equal opportunity and face discrimination in various forms. Whether it’s the denial of reasonable accommodations, harassment, or wrongful termination, the impact of disability discrimination extends far beyond the workplace, affecting individuals’ emotional well-being, financial stability, and overall quality of life.

Let’s delve deeper into the importance of hiring a disability discrimination attorney, exploring the legal considerations, available remedies, and the critical role these attorneys play in fighting for the rights of individuals with disabilities.

Understanding Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination occurs when an individual is treated unfairly or harassed in the workplace due to their disability status. Under federal and state laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, disability discrimination is prohibited, and individuals are entitled to certain rights and protections. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), disability discrimination charges accounted for 37.2% of all discrimination charges filed in 2021. Additionally, a report by the National Law Employment Project (NELP) found that individuals with disabilities are disproportionately affected by unemployment and face significant barriers to finding and maintaining employment.

The ADA defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment. Disability discrimination can take various forms, and it’s essential to understand the different types of discriminatory behavior that may occur in the workplace:

  • Failure To Provide Reasonable Accommodations: Employers are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to enable them to perform essential job functions. These accommodations may include modifications to the work environment, adjustments to work schedules, or the provision of assistive devices. Failure to provide reasonable accommodations constitutes disability discrimination under the ADA.
  • Harassment And Hostile Work Environment: Disability-based harassment involves unwelcome conduct directed at an individual because of their disability, which creates a hostile or intimidating work environment. This may include offensive remarks, derogatory comments, or the use of derogatory slurs related to the individual’s disability. Employers must prevent and address harassment in the workplace.
  • Wrongful Termination Or Retaliation: Terminating an employee or taking adverse employment actions against them because of their disability constitutes discrimination. Similarly, retaliating against an employee for asserting their rights under disability discrimination laws, such as requesting reasonable accommodations or filing a complaint, is illegal.
  • Pre-Employment Inquiries And Hiring Practices: Employers are prohibited from asking job applicants about their disability status or making disability-related inquiries during the hiring process. Additionally, employers cannot discriminate against individuals with disabilities in recruitment, hiring, or job assignments.
  • Segregation And Exclusion: It’s unlawful to segregate or exclude individuals with disabilities from participating in workplace activities, programs, or benefits available to other employees. All employees, regardless of disability status, should have equal access to employment opportunities and benefits.

By understanding what constitutes disability discrimination and familiarizing themselves with relevant laws and regulations, individuals can better protect their rights and seek legal recourse if they experience discrimination in the workplace. Consulting with an experienced disability discrimination attorney can provide invaluable guidance and support in navigating the legal process and pursuing justice for victims of discrimination.

Legal Considerations in Disability Discrimination Cases

Legal considerations in disability discrimination cases are crucial to understand, as they form the foundation for protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities in the workplace.  In disability discrimination cases, the burden of proof typically rests on the plaintiff, who must demonstrate that they have a qualifying disability, were subjected to adverse treatment because of their disability, and suffered harm as a result. To establish a prima facie case of disability discrimination, the plaintiff must show that they have a disability as defined by the relevant laws. They were qualified to perform the essential functions of their job, with or without reasonable accommodations and have suffered adverse employment action, such as termination, demotion, or harassment, because of their disability. Once the plaintiff establishes a prima facie case, the burden shifts to the employer to provide a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the adverse action.

It’s essential for individuals alleging disability discrimination to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a claim. The statute of limitations varies depending on the applicable federal or state law and the specific circumstances of the case. Under federal law, individuals typically have 180 to 300 days from the date of the alleged discriminatory action to file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). State laws may have different deadlines, so it’s essential to consult with an attorney to determine the applicable timeframe.

Employers may raise various defenses in disability discrimination cases to rebut the plaintiff’s claims or justify their actions. The employer may argue that they were unaware of the employee’s disability or the need for accommodation. They may assert that the adverse action was necessary for legitimate business reasons, such as performance or conduct issues unrelated to the employee’s disability. If the requested accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the employer, such as significant difficulty or expense, they may be exempt from providing it.

The Role of A Disability Discrimination Attorney

A Disability Discrimination Attorney plays a crucial role in helping individuals navigate the complexities of disability discrimination cases and advocating for their rights.  A skilled attorney can help plaintiffs gather evidence to establish the elements of a disability discrimination claim, including proving the existence of a qualifying disability, demonstrating adverse treatment, and establishing a causal link between the disability and the adverse action. Attorneys can conduct thorough investigations, interview witnesses, and obtain relevant documentation to strengthen the plaintiff’s case and support their allegations of discrimination.

Disability discrimination attorneys are well-versed in the applicable statutes of limitations and filing deadlines for discrimination claims. They can ensure that plaintiffs meet all necessary deadlines for filing administrative charges with the EEOC or state agencies. Attorneys can help plaintiffs navigate the administrative process, prepare and file discrimination charges, and ensure compliance with procedural requirements to preserve their right to pursue legal action.

Experienced attorneys are familiar with the common defenses employers may raise in disability discrimination cases and can develop effective strategies to counter these defenses. They can analyze the merits of the employer’s defenses, gather evidence to refute them, and present compelling arguments to demonstrate that discrimination occurred and that the employer’s actions were unjustified.

Disability discrimination attorneys are skilled negotiators who can engage in settlement negotiations with employers on behalf of their clients. They can advocate for favorable settlement terms, including monetary compensation, reinstatement, reasonable accommodations, and policy changes to prevent future discrimination. In cases where mediation or alternative dispute resolution is pursued, attorneys can represent plaintiffs’ interests and work to achieve mutually acceptable resolutions that address their needs and concerns.

If informal resolution efforts are unsuccessful, attorneys can assist plaintiffs in filing formal complaints with the EEOC or state agencies and initiating litigation in state or federal court. Attorneys can draft and file legal pleadings, conduct discovery, prepare witnesses, and present arguments in court to support their clients’ claims of disability discrimination. Throughout the litigation process, attorneys provide zealous representation, protect their client’s rights, and advocate for just outcomes that hold employers accountable for discriminatory conduct.


In conclusion, hiring a disability discrimination attorney is essential for victims seeking justice and accountability in cases of discrimination. Mirza Law is committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation to individuals facing disability discrimination in the workplace. If you’ve experienced discrimination based on your disability, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation and take the first step toward protecting your rights and securing the justice you deserve.