What is “Pain and Suffering” in the Context of a Personal Injury Claim?

injured person pain and suffering

There are few things worse than sustaining a serious injury at the hands of a negligent party. Unfortunately, people are wrongfully injured here in New York City virtually every single day. If you’re someone who was hurt due to the negligence of another, whether in a car accident, a slip and fall, or otherwise, you’re most likely now seeking financial compensation, and our legal team is here to help you get that compensation. This compensation is designed to help accident victims with both the economic and non-economic damages they’ve incurred as a result of their accidents. One thing a person may be compensated for is “pain and suffering,” but how is that defined? Please continue reading and reach out to a knowledgeable New York City personal injury lawyer from our legal team to learn more about pain and suffering in the context of a personal injury claim and how we can help you through the process ahead. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What is pain and suffering in the context of an injury lawsuit?

When someone is hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of another, they may receive compensation to help them deal with economic damages, such as the cost of medical care and the cost of lost wages from being unable to return to work as a result of their injuries, but they may also receive compensation for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. In the context of a personal injury claim, this can be loosely defined as both the physical pain they’ve felt as a result of their accident, as well as the emotional trauma they’ve endured. For example, if a person has sustained a traumatic brain injury, they may sue for the pain this has caused them, as well as any insomnia, PTSD, cognitive changes, or other emotional anguish they’ve endured as a result of their accident.

How long do I have to file a claim?

If you were injured in New York City, in most cases, you will have to file your personal injury claim within three years of the date of your accident, in accordance with the state’s statute of limitations. That said, the statute of limitations can vary, depending on where and how you were injured, so it’s always best to reach out to a competent personal injury attorney sooner, rather than later, to ensure you do not miss any of these crucial deadlines. If you believe you have a valid personal injury claim, Mirza Law is here to help. Give us a call or contact us online today so we can get started.